Do you know how much your organization spends on printing each year? What if you could save up to 30% on your printing costs? Our powerful managed print program is designed to monitor volumes and report service and supplies information for fleets of printers. Let our professional team go to work for you to improve print workflow efficiencies, reduce waste and lower your printing costs.

Contact us today to learn more about our managed print program.

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How it Works

We help you assess, understand and manage your printer fleet while also developing a long term,
cost-saving strategy based on your unique situation.

What is Managed Print?

According to IT analyst firm Gartner, managed print services (MPS) are services offered by an external provider to optimize or manage a company’s document output. The main components provided are needs assessment, selective or general replacement of hardware, and the service, parts and supplies needed to operate the new and/or existing hardware (including existing third-party equipment if this is required by the customer). The provider also tracks how the printer, fax, copier and MFP fleet is being used, the problems, and the user’s satisfaction.

business man hand press button on panel of printer printer scanner picture id1097677028 - Managed Print
bussinesswoman using copier machine to copy heap of paperwork in picture id1153593390 - Managed Print