GBC SmartPunch Pro Punching System
- Offers up to seven commonly used punch styles.
- Produces ready-to-bind documents at respective speeds up to 90, 105, and 120 pages per minute.
- Supports media up to 80 lb. cover stock for a variety of creative booklet applications.
- Fully integrates with the MX-M904, MX-M1054, and MX-M1204 document systems providing easy operation from job setup to job execution for easy operation.
Plockmatic Booklet Maker System
- Makes professional 120-page saddle-stitch and square-fold spine booklets at engine speed.
- A precision Face Trimmer Module allows trimming of the “shingle effect” off the booklets for a clean, professional look.
- Supports up to 300 gsm (110 lb. cover) media enabling a wide variety of applications.
- A true in-line system that is fully integrated with the MX-M904, MX-M1054, and MX-M1204 document systems from job setup to job execution for easy operation.
- Convenient off-line mode enables manual booklet making from documents produced on other devices in the office.