Why Managed Print Services Is A Smart Choice for Companies Looking to Cut Costs and Save Time

In today’s economic climate, soaring labor costs and rising overhead expenses force companies to find ways to reduce costs. Profit-conscious enterprises often have to choose between hiring and retaining the people they need or slashing operating costs. 

Documents drive business, but one of the areas in which companies look for cost savings is printing. For the average company in the United States, document production consumes 1 to 3 percent of the budget. Making matters worse, the cost of hard copy documentation and communication in most companies is increasing. 

Managed Print Services (MPS) allows you to control document production costs by outsourcing your printers. Using MPS frees capital for other investments, reduces the cost of document production, takes the burden off your IT department, and is more environmentally sound. 

In this blog, we will explain what you need to know about Managed Print Services and what they can do for your company. Let’s start with a definition. 

What is Managed Print Services? 

One way of looking at Managed Print Services is as “renting your copiers,” but it is so much more. 

Managed Print Services begins with hardware. When you choose MPS, you let a single vendor take over printers, scanners, faxes, photocopies, and multifunction printing devices. You no longer have to deal with monthly rental fees to multiple companies, multiple depreciation accounts, multiple service companies for different units, and constant issues of integrating all of those machines into your company’s IT systems. 

With MPS, a single vendor takes care of hardware, software integration, printing supplies, parts and repairs. At the same time, you will know exactly how much you spend on document production. 

But the benefits don’t stop there. 

How Does Managed Print Services Benefit Businesses? 

Managed Print Services don’t just make document production simpler. MPS can benefit your company in at least five ways: 

Managed Print Services make printing costs manageable

Managed Print Services help companies everywhere deal with a simple fact of business: You can’t manage what you can’t measure. When you use MPS, you’ll know exactly what you are spending on document production. 

Managed Print Services make capital outlays for documentation production a thing of the past

Printers, copiers, and scanners can eat up your capital budget. Instead of paying for equipment you may not even need, your company pays a single monthly fee for Managed Print Services. This can free up cash for other priorities. 

Managed Print Services boost productivity 

MPS boosts productivity in multiple ways: 

  • Your MPS provider can place equipment where it is convenient for your employees without impeding foot traffic. Right-sizing your printing equipment can optimize your floor space. 
  • MPS providers are experts in the software and firmware that maximizes employee productivity. Your employees will be able to get more done in less time. 
  • When you use Managed Print Services for document production, employees aren’t distracted by the day-to-day hassles this can entail. They never have to change the toner nor delay a print job while somebody calls the copier repair person and waits for them to show up. Your MPS provider will furnish you with state-of-the-art equipment and have a preventive maintenance program. They will also make sure your company is stocked with supplies.
  • Managed Print Services frees up IT employees. Instead of fielding calls from frustrated employees about printer issues, your IT department can focus on Internet security and other IT issues
  • You won’t have to deal with constant sales calls from companies seeking to sell you new equipment. You will have all the equipment you need! 

Managed Print Services reduces your company’s carbon footprint 

Reducing paper usage isn’t just good business sense. It’s also good public relations. Managed Print Services reduces your company’s carbon footprint and enhances your reputation as a good citizen of the environment. 

Your Managed Print Services will help you find ways to lower your costs

Managed Print Services providers aren’t about selling you more supplies and more equipment. Their focus is on building a long-term relationship with your company. Managed Print Services vendors know that when they help you save money, you renew your contracts with them. 

Your Managed Print Services vendor will review document creation costs with you once a quarter to make sure you are getting precisely the products and services your company needs. 

Is Managed Print Services Right for Your Company? 

Still deciding whether your company needs Managed Print Services? Consider the following:

  • Do you have a single person or a single team in charge of document production for your company? Is there one place to go for keeping the system going? 
  • Do you know the total cost of printing for your company? 
  • Have you reviewed your printing costs and printing processes in the last three years?
  • Do you know who is using your printing system, what they are printing, and where? 
  • Is your printing process protected against hackers, phishing, and information theft? Do you have a security plan for printing? 
  • Do you have a reliable expert on your team who has the answers to your questions about document management? 

If the answer to most of these questions is “no,” you need Managed Print Services. Contact DTS today to make an appointment so we can show you exactly how we can meet the MPS needs of your Bloomington and Minneapolis area business.