Three Ways AQUOS BOARD® Interactive Displays Enhance Education

An AQUOS BOARD® is a touch-sensitive interactive display system. This high definition LED display allows multiple users to interact with information and with each other. They can write on the board, erase or revise, and share their work with the class.

However, the AQUOS BOARD® goes far beyond a writing surface. These interactive displays encourage exploration and collaboration. They enhance student learning of the subject matter. They also help young students develop lifelong learning and social skills.

Interactive Displays Promote Active Learning

During passive learning, students receive information. They sit at their desks, reading the textbook or listening to a lecture. Information comes in, and it gets memorized.

Active learning happens when students engage with information. Picture a small group standing in front of the class at an interactive display. As they build their group project, they interact with each other, the board, and the rich learning resources at their fingertips. The demonstrations, experiments, collaborations, and teaching opportunities offered by interactive displays all encourage active learning.

Demonstrations are dynamic and attention-grabbing with an interactive display. Students will synthesize information and find novel ways to illustrate their ideas. They can share their hard work with the class, inspiring other groups in their projects.

Interactive displays are also an excellent fit for team presentations. Each team member can explain one part of the display. As their presentation continues, the board fills up, rewarding their hard work in a tangible visible collection.

Interactive displays encourage experimentation in several ways. First, a lot of information is right at your fingertips. Students are not constrained by time, library access, etc. That frees them up to explore a subject fully and try new things. Second, many schools use experimentation software with these interactive displays. These give students a virtual ‘hands-on’ experience of digitally dissecting animals, exploring how cells work, and designing structures or machines at the interactive display.

Collaboration is a key part of learning. This is an effortless process through an interactive display. Multitouch capabilities let a small group work simultaneously. They can brainstorm together, work out diagrams for the class, and add or remove information in real-time. Students collaborate without the delay of waiting to be passed a marker or piece of chalk. This allows more spontaneity and keeps interest levels high.

Finally, one of the best ways to master a topic is by teaching it. A student can cement their understanding of a subject by explaining it to others. They will be able to engage with other students, answering questions. The teacher can step in at any time, breaking down tricky material and enriching their learning experience.

Interactive Displays Encourage Engagement

It can be challenging to get a classroom to engage with material every day. Interactive displays encourage engagement in several key ways.

First, these displays put the student in the driver’s seat of their own education. Instead of passively getting information, the young learner can reach out and explore a subject more fully. This encourages active, independent learning.

The collaborative element of interactive displays can also be very engaging. Students in a group may brainstorm a problem and graph out solutions. They can help group partners who are struggling with the material. Finally, each group member is vital to the presentation’s success, motivating them to engage more.

An interactive display may be the staging ground for a friendly competition between groups in class. The display could issue flash challenges, keep a tally of points, and encourage students to come out of their shells and participate.

The instant feedback offered by interactive displays can capture student attention. A dynamic display is more engaging to students than writing a report that will get graded in a week. Feedback right now keeps the material fresh in their minds. Students are also more likely to engage with each other, the teacher, and the display itself.

Finally, interactive displays can engage all learning styles. Visual learners may learn from the graphics. Teacher lectures and embedded audio clips can accommodate auditory learners. Meanwhile, kinesthetic learners can absorb information by writing directly on the board.

Interactive Displays Cultivate Real-World Skills

Tech tools like interactive displays are becoming commonplace in higher education and the workplace. Young students need to learn how to use these tools effectively. This includes managing the device itself, of course. However, interpersonal skills may be even more critical.

Interactive displays teach the student:

  • Adaptability
  • Judging if an online source is reputable
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative problem solving
  • Filtering out unnecessary details
  • Checking their solutions

Working with an interactive display lets the students practice these skills. This sets them up for future success.

However, students don’t just learn vital skills when interacting with the display. They also learn while interacting with each other.

Many employees weigh social intelligence and the ability to collaborate over school performance or job history. It’s relatively easy to teach an intern how to run a piece of software. It’s much more challenging to teach someone how to work effectively in a team.

More and more, repetitive tasks have been replaced by machines. The jobs that may be left in the coming decades are the ones that can’t be done by a computer. These young students will need to interact with customers, suppliers, and other employees as they climb their career ladder. This requires effective communication, negotiation, the ability to find common ground, and more. All of these skills can be facilitated and encouraged with interactive displays.

Interactive Displays Enhance Student Learning

Displays like the AQUOS BOARD® encourage students to learn actively. They can explore subjects more deeply, explain their project to the class, and interact with group members. This increases student engagement and gives them a more in-depth, hands-on understanding of the subject matter. Interactive displays also help students master technology and develop vital collaborative skills.

Are you interested in our AQUOS BOARD® interactive displays? Contact Definitive Technology Solutions today to learn more.